Thursday, October 4, 2012

Family vacation part 1

Last week was our first trip back to Alabama since the wedding for a fun filled week of great time with my family going to the beach, picking up wedding gifts, ordering our china, celebrating my niece Evelyn's 2nd birthday, and going to my favorite start of fall event.... the Central Alabama fair in my hometown of Selma! We left Monday, September 24th after lunch and after Harrison had finished some work at the church.
 So excited to be Alabama bound!!!

We got to Selma late that night after stopping in Atlanta for dinner with two of our fellow STINTer friends, Anna Blocker and Meg Terry. Such a blessing to get to see them and have a small East asia reunion as we are both missing it so much. Tuesday was spent visiting my grandmother, who recently has had a stroke and although she can't form many words she is improving daily, having lunch with my grandparents on my mom's side, picking up wedding gifts and ordering our china which you all must know was overwhelming to Harrison!
Here's a glimpse at my Christmas china.... Maggie Bagwell "Colors" charger and dinner plate with Lenox 12 days of Christmas dessert plates on top! 

Wednesday, we were off to the BEACH!!!! My parents, sisters with their husbands and Evelyn all went to Orange beach for our family vacation for a long weekend. It was such a blast and as you can imagine always entertaining with a sweet almost 2 year old in the bunch. 
 Evelyn! She will be a big sister in January! We are so ready for Collins to get here!

We had such a great time on the beach each day: playing in the sand, throwing baseballs and frisbees around, taking on the waves, resting and splashing around in the pool. 

Most nights we would venture out to eat at our favorite restaurants and get some good seafood. Sadly we don't have Ron in this picture as it was taken the night he drove down :(

The guys also went fishing for two mornings and caught some great fish, which we got to have to eat our last night but I decided I would let Harrison have the joy of sharing pictures and stories from his big catches in another blog coming soon....

Finally, Sunday morning we got to celebrate Evelyn's 2nd birthday with her with breakfast at Tacky Jack's before hitting the road driving home. Harrison and I had the pleasure of driving Evelyn home with us, singing "The wheels on the bus" "Bumblebee" and many more was so much fun with this cutie!
 Happy 2nd Birthday Evelyn! Sad we'll be missing her Noah's ark birthday party this Sunday, but we did get to have a glimpse while at the fair and petting zoo.... coming in part 2!

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